- Registration of Business
(a) – Incorporation as a Limited Liability Company (Private or Public)
– Incorporation as a Private Company Limited by guarantee
(b) Filing of Annual Returns with CAC
(c) Registration of Business Name or Partnership.
- Registration and rendering Returns for:
– Personal Income Tax (PIT)
– Company Income Tax (CIT)
– Value Added Tax (VAT)
– Withholding Tax (WHT)
– Pay As You Earn (PAYE)
- Obtain Tax Clearance Certificate for your business for the past 3 years, which is valid until 31st December, 2023.
- Pension Clearance Certificate valid until 31st December, 2023.
- Compliance Certificate for ITF – Industrial Training Fund – Valid until 31st December, 2023.
- Compliance Certificate from Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) valid until 31st December, 2023.
- Registration on the National Database of Federal Contractors, Consultants and Service Providers.
- Professional License to Practice from your Professional Body.
- Registration with Regulatory Bodies e.g.
(a) CMD – Centre for Management Development
(b) FRCN – Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria
- Audited Accounts for 3 years (2020, 2021 and 2022).
- Insurance for Motor Vehicles, Professional Indemnity, Fire and Burglary, Cash in Transit.
- Documentary Evidence of at least three (3) jobs you have executed in the last three (3) years.
- Membership of Business Organizations e.g. Chambers of Commerce, NASME, National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises. NASSI – National Association of Small Scale Industries, Business Network International (BNI)
- Business Premises / Registration or Renewal.
- Documentary Evidence of at least three (3) jobs you have executed in the last three (3) years.
- Business Premises / Registration or Renewal.
- Less distraction by government agencies and regulators.
- You can compete with others in the market if you have the required documents.
- You can bid for Government jobs (Federal and State).
- No penalties and sanctions
- You will conserve money that may be wasted in paying interests and penalties.
- You can seek for grants and obtain them.
- You can secure more funds for your business.